
1 month old

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Happy Grandfather's Day!

The bubbles in class were sticking to our hair!
 Saturday morning we started out with Aunt Lori joining us at Mommy and Me class. Annmarie graduated Level 1 and started Level 2. For her first time in Level 2 (6-10 month old) she did OK. It is a different format. Level 1 is centered around mommy and baby bonding, while Level 2 is more baby socialization. In Level 1, they see the babies, but don't really interact with them. Level 2 lets them interact and teaches them crawling, standing and other neat tricks.
Speaking of neat tricks...the little one had an interesting Friday night. She woke up at 3am with a really wet diaper and empty stomach. So, I changed her and fed her. I was trying not to jostle her too much so she would go back to sleep. Hence, the feet left out of the one piece zip up PJ's. It was warm. No big deal, right? Ya, whatever. She has been doing this thing where she scrunches everything in her hands. So, I wasn't really curious when I heard her experimenting with the texture of her diaper.  Then I heard her sneeze. So, I reached over to see if all was well. Low and behold: she took off her diaper.
 Somehow, by the grace of God, we did not have a soiled or wet bed.
Mommy n Me Crawl Pads
After finding the old diaper, and putting a new one on, she was wide awake. It took until 5am to get her back to sleep. And yes, she was put the whole way back in her PJ's.

 Then we had to tackle the bath problem. It seems she suddenly hates the bath routine. So, we switched things up. At first I thought it was the chair. So we switched to the jumper. Nope. After that, Aunt Lori picked up a clear shower curtain -something I always made fun of. Now, I see the purpose of a clear shower curtain. The thinking is that if the girl could see me she would be calm and not spaz out when I get into the shower. No cigar. So, this morning, I went to Home Depot and bought a new shower head and faucet set. And then to back it up, we had a pool day. It only took me about an hour to change out the old fixtures.  It took about the same amount of time to blow up each of the 10 (yes, ten) chambers of her kiddy pool. She used it for about 15 minutes before she took a face dive. Of course, we were right there so there was no danger. But, it scared her to the point that she would only sit outside the pool and play with it.
Afterwards we got cleaned up so we could Skype with Grandpa for Grandpa's day -only to find he was having technical difficulties. It's OK. We will get it together in a couple of days. All of the hard work paid off. Baby girl did cry (a lot) while waiting in her chair. BUT, once in the tub she stopped and started having fun again. I hope that tomorrow she will be back to normal. Either way, this was definite progress.

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