Jan 9, 2011 |
10 Months, Oct 29, 2011 |
It's amazing how much the girl has changed! Aunt Janyl arrived a few days ago. Annmarie loves her so much. It's funny the way she looks for her now. We have been pretty busy trying to get Aunt Janyl situated. But, yesterday in Mommy-n-Me class Annmarie stood up on her own for over 5 seconds! She is soooo close to walking. She will go from the ottoman to the couch on her own. She just gets scared when she notices that no one has a hold of her.
The day after my last post, we received a package in the mail. Ya, we got some Gator clothes! Its funny how anytime I put her in anything orange, her hair looks really orange. She was a cheerleader all morning. Annmarie is still pretty snotty. I figured if I kept her home from day care a couple of days she would get a little better. No such luck. Still no teeth, but there is a decent sized bubble on her bottom gum. The bubble on her top gum went away and her ears are better.
Today we are going to carve the pumpkin and go out -probably to the beach. The weather has been really warm this past week. Nana and Grandpa have snow! I am so glad we live in San Diego.
Annmarie's cousin Payton is back in the hospital again. He's having 'cronic lung problems'. I am so glad/lucky that Annmarie hasn't had issues like that. With that said, Annmarie has a rash on her back and belly. I really, really hope it's heat rash from the absurd heat we have had lately. I put some rash cream on it last night and today it looks better today. This is about the end of the 12-14 day incubation period. So, if it is chicken pox, it will come up any day.
We are all set for out trip to Florida. We fly out the 10:20 pm on 19Dec and return on 30Dec. Grandpa and Nana will show up on the 16th -which is perfect because I already have 16th, 1600 as the start time for my vacation -and it means Aunt Janyl won't be here alone for Christmas.