
1 month old

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy First Halloween!

We had to scrap the Trick or Treating part due to cold weather and a rash covering 65% of her body. I am still trying to pretend it's not chicken pox, but the little blister on her hand screams: 'denial'.
I caved and added a nose to the jack-o-lantern. Too many people were giving me crap.
Next year, she will have an awesome time!

My First Taste of Whipped Cream!

My first time ever trying Whipped Cream.
Mommy said it was OK because it is dairy.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Ten Months Old!

Jan 9, 2011

10 Months, Oct 29, 2011

It's amazing how much the girl has changed! Aunt Janyl arrived a few days ago. Annmarie loves her so much. It's funny the way she looks for her now. We have been pretty busy trying to get Aunt Janyl situated. But, yesterday in Mommy-n-Me class Annmarie stood up on her own for over 5 seconds! She is soooo close to walking. She will go from the ottoman to the couch on her own. She just gets scared when she notices that no one has a hold of her.
The day after my last post, we received a package in the mail.  Ya, we got some Gator clothes! Its funny how anytime I put  her in anything orange, her hair looks really orange. She was a cheerleader all morning. Annmarie is still  pretty snotty. I figured if I kept her home from day care a couple of days she would get a little better. No such luck. Still no teeth, but there is a decent sized bubble on her bottom gum. The bubble on  her top gum went away and her ears are better.
Today we are going to carve the pumpkin and go out -probably to the beach. The weather has been really warm this past week. Nana and Grandpa have snow! I am so glad we live in San Diego.
Annmarie's cousin Payton is back in the hospital again. He's having 'cronic lung problems'. I am so glad/lucky that Annmarie hasn't had issues like that. With that said, Annmarie has a rash on her back and belly. I really, really hope it's heat rash from the absurd heat we have had lately. I put some rash cream on it last night and today it looks better today. This is about the end of the 12-14 day incubation period. So, if it is chicken pox, it will come up any day.
We are all set for out trip to Florida. We fly out the 10:20 pm on 19Dec and return on 30Dec. Grandpa and Nana will show up on the 16th -which is perfect because I already have 16th, 1600 as the start time for my vacation -and it means Aunt Janyl won't be here alone for Christmas.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Finding Balance

Last night Mommy had a work function to go to so I got to stay with Mandy, the sitter. I did much better tonight with Mandy, but I still lit her up! Aunt Lori rescued her at 7:30...and I lit her up too! When my mommy finally got home at 8:30 I was finally asleep, but hiccuping in my sleep from crying so long and hard. When I woke up I was surprised to see my mommy! I love her so much. I was in such a good mood.
Today I only slept 3 and a half hours at the daycare. So, I was in a great mood when mommy picked me up. I was so surprised to see my mommy. We went home and ate dinner together and danced in the living room. I walked by holding onto mommy's pants! I am still to scared to let go and just walk. My gums weren't bothering me. I didn't try to strangle the cat and I went to bed without a tear or even a whimper. Mommy took lots of pictures but can't seem to get them onto the computer. Silly mommy! She love me so much!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Round Two of Ear Infections

Annmarie is cheering on UF!
So, the day after we finish off the antibiotics for the first ear infections, Annmarie starts shoving her fingers in both of her ears. So, back to the pediatrician we go. And she sends us back home with no new meds and says to watch her for a day or two to see if it is just a little residual left over ear agitation. She is still cranky and moody, but I have been giving her Tylenol and Advil as needed. Today, Mommy was stuck at work a little late. This meant Annmarie so was hungry when I finally got to her. Luckily, I had some snacks in the car. Unluckily, she went through the snacks just like bananas go through her. And then we got stuck in a traffic jam for about half an hour. And then the girl made 'eeewwwiiees' in her diaper. Then traffic finally started moving. And then the meltdown came. Man. What a long ride home.  Once we got home and got her cleaned up and fed she was much better. Thankfully.
Our Mommy n Me class moved locations. Finally. Now we only have a 10 minute drive vice a 45 every Saturday. I am so glad.
The bank screwed around with my paperwork so long that I lost my buyer. Back to square one. Baby Jarod had his Fourth birthday. I can't believe he's that old. I have to be wrong about his age. Of course Aunt Tonie sent the most outrageous gift! I sent him a ball cannon with 500 balls, a dump truck and a Nerf foam dart gun. Jarod swears he is going to pay me back with outrageous gifts for Annmarie. What he doesn't understand is that I already do that for her too. Kids are meant to have fun, be messy and explore. Bring it on little brother!
Speaking of which...Annmarie's birthday is coming up in 10 weeks. Can you believe it? In 10 weeks the girl will be a year old! Lemme say it again: In 10 short weeks the girl will be ONE YEAR OLD! If anyone is looking for suggestions: She is in need of more Penn State clothing -and Gator clothing for that matter. I am trying to think of what she needs and to be honest, I don't play around when it comes to shopping. She pretty much has everything she wants/needs. Maybe a small playhouse for the front yard...some little tricycle type riding toys...she loves books..maybe an easel for her to draw on. Oh...I know...add to her college fund! That's always helpful and it won't end up getting broken and we won't have to worry about her not liking it.
We will be spending Christmas in Florida. It's about time for Annmarie to meet her Florida family. Annmarie is going to love Uncle Adam. I am still putting on the final touches to the if anyone were to want to come visit before or after Florida...or for Thanksgiving...or whenever -say the word. I have the vacation days and approval for time off.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Chicken Pox Scare

The girl has the cats' toy and man, do the cats want them!

Yes, she is eating Mimi's tail.
So, we made it through another 24 hour shift. I hate them. Lori was late too. So, I ended up picking up Annmarie and bringing her on base until Lori could get there. I know, it's not acceptable. But, I couldn't leave her at the daycare any longer. It was risky, but there were no incidents. So, alls well that ends well. Lori picked her up from base and Annmarie screamed the entire way home. She was better at home and slept the entire night.
The day care issued a chicken pox warning today. We also have a rash across Annmarie's back. It's not a harsh rash, but it's still there. I am hoping that it's just heat rash attributed to our insanely hot weather the past few days. Yesterday it was 97 degrees. Yes, it's still October. The incubation period is 12-14 days -so we will see if she was exposed. Hope Janyl's already had it. Muah!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Catch Up

After a long week of ear infections and runny nose...we are finally starting to settle out -again. Last night was the first night Annmarie has slept since she contracted her ear infections. Daycare refused to take her two times last week. The first day because she was sick. The second day because she didn't have a doctor's note to come back. She has been sick so much they put her into a 'Chronic' catagory. Now, everytime she's sick,I need a doctor's note before they will accept her back. I wish they would have told me that before 6am the day after she went to the doctor's office. Chalk that up to lesson's learned.
Still no teeth.
She still loves dogs! We went to a friend's ranch over the weekend. I figured it would back up all the animal names she's been learning in phonics. So, we get there and she thinks the chickens are interesting. She stared at the donkey for a bit. She cried when one of the horses backed up -but then later loved the horses nostrils. But other than that, she was totally enthralled by the dogs. We sat and played catch with one dog for the better part of an hour. All those animals and besides the horses, she couldn't have cared less.
I look at is as getting to know her better. The day was warm and beautiful -the air was fresh and clean...and the kid was dusty and happy.
I have some new pictues, but need to be at home to upload them. I trimmed her bangs again and kinda want them to even out a bit more before I put the pics up! It wasn't as bad as last time, but it still isn't good.
On the home front...just a couple of weeks until Janyl gets here! Jarod Jr has his fourth birthday party this weekend. Uncle Scotty and Aunt Kayla had birthdays!
Around the world: I have no idea, I can't hear the TV over the crying child.