Annmarie is cheering on UF! |
So, the day after we finish off the antibiotics for the first ear infections, Annmarie starts shoving her fingers in both of her ears. So, back to the pediatrician we go. And she sends us back home with no new meds and says to watch her for a day or two to see if it is just a little residual left over ear agitation. She is still cranky and moody, but I have been giving her Tylenol and Advil as needed. Today, Mommy was stuck at work a little late. This meant Annmarie so was hungry when I finally got to her. Luckily, I had some snacks in the car. Unluckily, she went through the snacks just like bananas go through her. And then we got stuck in a traffic jam for about half an hour. And then the girl made 'eeewwwiiees' in her diaper. Then traffic finally started moving. And then the meltdown came. Man. What a long ride home. Once we got home and got her cleaned up and fed she was much better. Thankfully.
Our Mommy n Me class moved locations. Finally. Now we only have a 10 minute drive vice a 45 every Saturday. I am so glad.
The bank screwed around with my paperwork so long that I lost my buyer. Back to square one. Baby Jarod had his Fourth birthday. I can't believe he's that old. I have to be wrong about his age. Of course Aunt Tonie sent the most outrageous gift! I sent him a ball cannon with 500 balls, a dump truck and a Nerf foam dart gun. Jarod swears he is going to pay me back with outrageous gifts for Annmarie. What he doesn't understand is that I already do that for her too. Kids are meant to have fun, be messy and explore. Bring it on little brother!

Speaking of which...Annmarie's birthday is coming up in 10 weeks. Can you believe it? In 10 weeks the girl will be a year old! Lemme say it again: In 10 short weeks the girl will be ONE YEAR OLD! If anyone is looking for suggestions: She is in need of more Penn State clothing -and Gator clothing for that matter. I am trying to think of what she needs and to be honest, I don't play around when it comes to shopping. She pretty much has everything she wants/needs. Maybe a small playhouse for the front yard...some little tricycle type riding toys...she loves books..maybe an easel for her to draw on. Oh...I know...add to her college fund! That's always helpful and it won't end up getting broken and we won't have to worry about her not liking it.
We will be spending Christmas in Florida. It's about time for Annmarie to meet her Florida family. Annmarie is going to love Uncle Adam. I am still putting on the final touches to the schedule...so if anyone were to want to come visit before or after Florida...or for Thanksgiving...or whenever -say the word. I have the vacation days and approval for time off.
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