Geez. Another night of crying and fever...which hit 100 so we started with the Tylenol...I am exhausted, she is cranky and beat down too. I swear, she had better be getting all of her teeth at one time. Today, to take some of the edge off, I went to workout. I only have 4 more months until my next physical readiness test. I am no where near ready for it. I felt a lot better (mentally) after the workout. The soreness is starting to set in. It is going to be an early night. I finally got her geneticists interview complete. She goes in on 8 June for her initial testing. The picture is a little blurry, but you could tell how much she loves her dolly.
I am torn between giving her orajel or letting her do without. She really hates the Orajel -to the point of a screaming fit. Is it worth it? It only works for about 1/2 hour ~ 45 minutes at a time and takes about 15 minutes to get her to stop screaming after giving it to her. We did try last night, but it was like a never ending cycle. She seemed to calm down more from a long warm bath. Either way, she was awake every three hours again last night.
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