I woke up this morning to the girl pulling herself up to a sitting position. She was trying so hard. Yes, I admit that I helped her get balanced, but only because I was afraid of her smacking her head into mine. This is definitely going to make the wall. I think, even though it's a few days early, I will use the lower picture as her 5 month shot. It's priceless. 

I walked by a young pregnant woman today. She had to have been about 8 months along. She was checking out Annmarie. She looked so excited and happy. It made me remember how happy I was to be pregnant. I was so excited and couldn't wait to meet my kiddo. That really feels like just yesterday.
The aquarium that I took Janyl and Marci to is hiring. I am almost done with Janyl's resume. Then I will probably submit it behind her back. Well, if she keeps up with her niece it won't really be behind her back -and the job sounds too great to not attempt. OK, bed now, so tired, baby girl was up early -and late. I wouldn't trade it for anything.
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