
1 month old
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Military Surprises
Experts say to vary your schedule to avoid unnecessary security risks. We are going to chalk today up into that category. The girl has been getting up to eat in the middle of the night. So, I have been slowly weening her away from eating in the middle of the night. Last night, I decided to watch a movie with Lori. So, I was up late, but figured that it was ok because there was nothing on the schedule for today. Hmm. Mistake Number 1. So, I went to bed around 11pm. Only to be awoken at 3, 5 and 7 by the girl. The 3am feeding went well. I only gave her two ounces and put her back down. She went back fairly easily. At 5am I gave her 4 ounces and she went back down on her own. (That was Mistake Number 2.) This should have been at least 6-8 ounces. As the snowball gets bigger she then wakes up at 7am. This time I decided to give her 4 ounces and some real breakfast -fruit and rice. Which she didn't want because she was upset and maybe over-hungry. Then we get a phone call. Hmm. It seems someone changed my 24 hour schedule without telling me -no phone call, no notice whatsoever. Oh, and you're already an hour late. So, then mommy had a fit and baby pushed passed the point of no return. Mommy had no choice but to find someone at the last minute and go in. Luckily God put Lori on this planet! So, Lori saved me...even though the girl was throwing a fit. And, yes, it was a huge fit. So, as I was pulling my uniform out of the washer I tired my "bestest" to get things situated while the girl was spastic. Supermom was able to get her fed (8 ounces), to sleep and get dressed and to work in under 2 hours. I think Lori was a little intimidated -and I don't blame her. I could not leave her there with a crying baby. Did I mention that Annmarie was pretty spastic? Now I am 7 hours into a 24 hour shift that is butted up against a work day -and am utterly exhausted. I am going to try and sneak in a nap.
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