
1 month old

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Sunday Bliss

Can you spot the little trouble maker in this photo?
Yep, Diego in the lower right corner!

Mommy, this is my new pedestal. Can you please put me up on it?
Today was beautiful out. Not too hot, not too cold, not a cloud in the sky...beautiful. We finally caught up with Skype! We Skyped with both sets of Grandparents. Grandma Judy sang to you...which you promptly disconnected the feed. Of course, it was accidental -while climbing on the keyboard. Then you puked on the very same keyboard while Nana and Grandpa were playing with you. Then you stole the show by crawling for everyone! You have also been trying to pull yourself up on everything. I look for my you to walk very soon, my love.
This week Mommy works on 32nd Street and not at the Point Loma base. This is good because it's 20 minutes closer and I get a break from season (so I can sleep in an extra hour this week). That is...if you let me sleep in.
You got another bump. This one on your earlobe. I am really getting concerned. I can't figure out where they are coming from. Lori and I aren't getting bit by anything. I wonder if it's some sort of reaction to something. I don't think it's heat rash because it would be on your butt first. Diapers make babies butts really warm. Tomorrow I am calling the pediatrician to see what she says.

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