We finally arrived home yesterday after 10 days in Florida. She was so worn out, I was sure she would sleep the entire night. My hopes were quickly dashed. The girl was so excited to be home last night that she woke up and just wanted to play with her toys...at 10:30pm. Needless to say we were up several times throughout the night. She was pretty tired today, but I managed to keep her down to about 2 hours of nap. We did really well keeping her near her San Diego schedule. We were able to keep bed time stable. All other parts of the day were flexible. Today was her first day of normalcy. This was the first day since 16 December that we have not had family all around. We also missed Mommy n Me class today. I am trying to get things back together so we are ready for work and day care in a couple of days. Now that Annmarie is over 1 year old two major things are going to happen. 1) She will move up to the pre-toddler class and 2) the doctor will be able to diagnose her. We have more doctors appointments coming up this week.
In Florida she took six steps from Uncle Jarod over to me. Today, she took three steps from Janly over to me. If it's just her and I, she will walk. If anyone else is around, she loses confidence and won't even try. When she does walk, she is so proud.
And, now that I realize it's New Year's Eve. I can not believe that my daughter is more than a year old. This time last year I was still delirious in a hospital room. I know that I wasn't released until a week after I gave birth. I just don't know exactly what day that was. This has been a really tough year. Annmarie has been so sick and yet, still so happy. She has developed quite the personality and is turning into a little person. I have trouble remembering a time without her. I love her more than words could ever say.

1 month old
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Happy Birthday Baby Girl!
Capricorn Horoscope for Thursday, Dec 29th, 2011 -- You are susceptible to the emotional intensity of today's Sun-Pluto hook-up because it occurs in your sign. Even the most minor issues can be quickly blown out of proportion as tempers flare and passions erupt. You might become obsessed about having your way now, and you're not willing to take no for an answer. Unfortunately, you could invite stronger resistance if you are too assertive. Being gentle and persistent is more effective than forcing your point of view on anyone else.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Merry Christmas Annmarie
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Uncle Scotty was silly enough to give me his phone! |
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Uncle Matthew and my cousins Robby and Olivia |
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Me and Reagan are gonna be bestest friends! |
Get outta my way I'm watchin phonics. |
I love my Uncle Adam |
Score...a paper bag! |
Lemme help Maw. |
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Mommy says I can't hang out with my cousin in red because she was very poorly behaved and scary. |
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Aunt Janyl Survived Another Duty Day!
Last night was Janyl's second time alone with Annmarie. We didn't plan on a hectic night prior to duty -where Annmarie slammed her head back into Mommy's jaw and literally knocked a tooth out of alignment and off of a bracket...not to mention slamming the spring and wire into the side of my cheek. So, I went to pick up my 24 hour shift and arrange an emergency trip to the orthodontist. Annmarie, however didn't have a mark on her from it. But, she did lose out on a lot of sleep. I warned Aunt Janyl not to let her sleep all day. I was worried that Annmarie would get her days and nights mixed up -and thus keep Janyl up all night. "Aw, don't worry 'bout it." Ya. So, she did give Janyl a run for her money. She was up several (MUCHO) times. I bet Janyl never puts her down for that many hours again. If I had to guess, I would say she had at least 4 hours too much sleep during the day yesterday. Tonight was a little rough getting her down. Janyl didn't stick to the bedtime. But, honestly, I am OK with it. They both made it through unharmed. I will put her back on schedule. And, Janyl had a dose of the best birth control God ever made: a crying baby in the wee hours of the night that you can't make quit crying...no matter what. Thank you Janyl.
Three more days until Nana and Grandpa arrive! I can't wait! Annmarie's bed is still on back order. I really want to get it so I can finally get her room set up.
Chances of Italy are gone. It seems that job requires me to travel ALL over Europe -several different trips a year. Don't get me wrong, if I were married or if I weren't a mom, I would LOVE to take the job. This just means I will have to wait til Annmarie gets older and take her over for the summer. I still don't have official word on if I can take the equal opportunity advisor detailing route. I hate the wait. He has 30 days to answer my request. He is trying to send me to the USS STOUT in Virginia -which is better than Japan. But, it's still not ideal. If someone else bids on that job, he (says he) will release me to the EOA detailers. Then I will be able to bid on Guam -or some other shore based foreign place that keeps Annmarie with me. January 1 is the 30 day mark. But, the detailer wants to go on Christmas vacation too. Hopefully, I will find out before we fly to the East Coast.
Three more days until Nana and Grandpa arrive! I can't wait! Annmarie's bed is still on back order. I really want to get it so I can finally get her room set up.
Chances of Italy are gone. It seems that job requires me to travel ALL over Europe -several different trips a year. Don't get me wrong, if I were married or if I weren't a mom, I would LOVE to take the job. This just means I will have to wait til Annmarie gets older and take her over for the summer. I still don't have official word on if I can take the equal opportunity advisor detailing route. I hate the wait. He has 30 days to answer my request. He is trying to send me to the USS STOUT in Virginia -which is better than Japan. But, it's still not ideal. If someone else bids on that job, he (says he) will release me to the EOA detailers. Then I will be able to bid on Guam -or some other shore based foreign place that keeps Annmarie with me. January 1 is the 30 day mark. But, the detailer wants to go on Christmas vacation too. Hopefully, I will find out before we fly to the East Coast.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Yesterday and today Annmarie is getting better...in some ways. The good side: no more diarrhea or fever...and today she ate normal food! Bad side: very whiny and temperamental...crying and clinging all day and up most of the nights. Geez. I think Aunt Janyl has had her fill of cranky baby. I am exhausted. But, I am happy and hopeful that she is getting better. I hate fevers.
I went another round with the detailer yesterday. I went to him groveling humbly. I wanted to give him an out because he is obviously having some issues with his boss (our Enlisted Community Manager). They are in the middle of some kind of 'quien es mas macho' thing. In the mean time, he determines where I live for the next three years. So, he offered me Naples, Italy and Guam. Naples involves travel. I put in an info request to see what kind/how much travel. Are we talking about Naples to Rome? Or, are we talking about Italy to Germany? Big difference. So, once I get the info back I will be able to see if I can do that -with a baby in tow. The other offer is Guam. The only issue with that is I do not know if it is an accompanied or unaccompanied order. I.e., can I take Annmarie with me. If I can, then I am good to go with that place. Italy, and traveling for work with a baby in tow doesn't sound very practical/feasible. But, we will see. Either of those two jobs keep me with Annmarie. The 'with travel' part is a little tricky. BUT, still not in the clear for dodging Japan. Nothing is firm until I have the order in hand.
I went another round with the detailer yesterday. I went to him groveling humbly. I wanted to give him an out because he is obviously having some issues with his boss (our Enlisted Community Manager). They are in the middle of some kind of 'quien es mas macho' thing. In the mean time, he determines where I live for the next three years. So, he offered me Naples, Italy and Guam. Naples involves travel. I put in an info request to see what kind/how much travel. Are we talking about Naples to Rome? Or, are we talking about Italy to Germany? Big difference. So, once I get the info back I will be able to see if I can do that -with a baby in tow. The other offer is Guam. The only issue with that is I do not know if it is an accompanied or unaccompanied order. I.e., can I take Annmarie with me. If I can, then I am good to go with that place. Italy, and traveling for work with a baby in tow doesn't sound very practical/feasible. But, we will see. Either of those two jobs keep me with Annmarie. The 'with travel' part is a little tricky. BUT, still not in the clear for dodging Japan. Nothing is firm until I have the order in hand.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
Micromanaging Poo
I never thought I would have to micro manage poo, but here it is...Annmarie has finally made solid poop. For the first time in a week she had a normal bowel movement. She was, of course, still extremely cranky tonight, but at this point I will take any progress. Two nights ago she slept until 4am. That is the first time in months that she made it past two. I really don't understand why she doesn't sleep through the night. If this keeps up, I may call a sleep consultant. Last night she woke up at 3am and wanted to play. She refused to go to sleep in her bed, so I let her sleep with me from 4:30 to 5:30...then I had to wake her for the day. Yes, you read it right. She was up from 3 to 4:30. And, I am once again exhausted. But...she had solid poop!!!! Yay!!!!! Fingers crossed for a whole night's sleep! I am trying for number 9.
Did I mention her second tooth finished erupting a couple of days ago? Well it did.
Yesterday while Janyl was watching her, Annmarie got a nice cut on her finger. It's pretty deep and won't quit bleeding (even today). I considered taking her in for a stitch, but if the Navy docs don't see bone or ligaments, they won't stitch it. People think I am kidding when I say that she has to touch EVERYTHING -twice. On top of that, she's a really quick kid.
Did I mention her second tooth finished erupting a couple of days ago? Well it did.
Yesterday while Janyl was watching her, Annmarie got a nice cut on her finger. It's pretty deep and won't quit bleeding (even today). I considered taking her in for a stitch, but if the Navy docs don't see bone or ligaments, they won't stitch it. People think I am kidding when I say that she has to touch EVERYTHING -twice. On top of that, she's a really quick kid.
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Post Thanksgiving Catch Up
Things have been so insanely busy. We spent Thanksgiving with Janie and her family. It was nice. She has such a warm disposition she naturally feels like family. Lori has moved to Point Magu. I am back in my negotiation window and the detailer (the guy that is supposed to fill all the jobs) is being particularly ignorant about where he wants me to go. Work has been very supportive and wants to yell at him on my behalf, but truly I don't want to fight with him. I just want him to back off and let me have a fair shot at picking my next job. The detailer has been doing his job so long that everyone is a number and he just wants the easiest fix for everything. Japan is easy for him, but impossible for me. I would have to give up custody of Annmarie for two years. I am not willing to do that. So, I have spent every waking hour finding an offset resolution to the problem. I need a solution that will not pit me directly against him, but will remove me from his detailing group. So, I put in a package to become an Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA). It's the technical/procedural expert on the Navy's EO policies. I would advise several commands on their EO programs. I would still be at sea, but I could go anywhere that takes women. Right now, I can only go to ships that have my weapons systems -and take women, and have a bed open in the female Chief's berthing, and need a Chief. It's this crazy puzzle that takes away my choices. Will I get the program, most likely not. But, it's worth a shot. My next path is to put into to go to Chicago and work at boot camp.
Now, onto Annmarie. She has had diarrhea now for two days with off and on 101 degree fevers. She won't eat. It has been a long couple of days. She has gone about 5 hours now since her last movement. I can't take her to day care like this so Janyl is going to watch her tomorrow. She is adjusting to all the changes pretty well. She likes her new found freedom of being able to explore the kitchen. Now that the cats are gone, I have baby proofed the kitchen so she can crawl in it. With all the changes, come new challenges. Despite all the padding on the top and edges, my wrought iron coffee table has managed to bruise Annmarie twice today. I didn't add padding to the underside of the edges. I put some on tonight. She also loves the TV stand. I may have to tape the doors shut on it.
I spoke with Grandpa today. He says he will paint the nursery for us when he's here. It's going to be so nice to actually get her stuff up on the walls and have an actual bedroom. Even if it's only for a little while. You never know, I may totally score and get to stay here my next three years. Then she can have a stable few years.
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