
1 month old

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Finally Home

We finally arrived home yesterday after 10 days in Florida. She was so worn out, I was sure she would sleep the entire night. My hopes were quickly dashed.  The girl was so excited to be home last night that she woke up and just wanted to play with her 10:30pm. Needless to say we were up several times throughout the night. She was pretty tired today, but I managed to keep her down to about 2 hours of nap. We did really well keeping her near her San Diego schedule. We were able to keep bed time stable. All other parts of the day were flexible. Today was her first day of normalcy. This was the first day since 16 December that we have not had family all around. We also missed Mommy n Me class today. I am trying to get things back together so we are ready for work and day care in a couple of days. Now that Annmarie is over 1 year old two major things are going to happen. 1) She will move up to the pre-toddler class and 2) the doctor will be able to diagnose her. We have more doctors appointments coming up this week.  

In Florida she took six steps from Uncle Jarod over to me. Today, she took three steps from Janly over to me. If it's just her and I, she will walk. If anyone else is around, she loses confidence and won't even try. When she does walk, she is so proud.

And, now that I realize it's New Year's Eve. I can not believe that my daughter is more than a year old. This time last  year I was still delirious in a hospital room. I know that I wasn't released until a week after I gave birth. I just don't know exactly what day that was. This has been a really tough year. Annmarie has been so sick and yet, still so happy. She has developed quite the personality and is turning into a little person. I have trouble remembering a time without her. I love her more than words could ever say.

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