Things have been so insanely busy. We spent Thanksgiving with Janie and her family. It was nice. She has such a warm disposition she naturally feels like family. Lori has moved to Point Magu. I am back in my negotiation window and the detailer (the guy that is supposed to fill all the jobs) is being particularly ignorant about where he wants me to go. Work has been very supportive and wants to yell at him on my behalf, but truly I don't want to fight with him. I just want him to back off and let me have a fair shot at picking my next job. The detailer has been doing his job so long that everyone is a number and he just wants the easiest fix for everything. Japan is easy for him, but impossible for me. I would have to give up custody of Annmarie for two years. I am not willing to do that. So, I have spent every waking hour finding an offset resolution to the problem. I need a solution that will not pit me directly against him, but will remove me from his detailing group. So, I put in a package to become an Equal Opportunity Advisor (EOA). It's the technical/procedural expert on the Navy's EO policies. I would advise several commands on their EO programs. I would still be at sea, but I could go anywhere that takes women. Right now, I can only go to ships that have my weapons systems -and take women, and have a bed open in the female Chief's berthing, and need a Chief. It's this crazy puzzle that takes away my choices. Will I get the program, most likely not. But, it's worth a shot. My next path is to put into to go to Chicago and work at boot camp.
Now, onto Annmarie. She has had diarrhea now for two days with off and on 101 degree fevers. She won't eat. It has been a long couple of days. She has gone about 5 hours now since her last movement. I can't take her to day care like this so Janyl is going to watch her tomorrow. She is adjusting to all the changes pretty well. She likes her new found freedom of being able to explore the kitchen. Now that the cats are gone, I have baby proofed the kitchen so she can crawl in it. With all the changes, come new challenges. Despite all the padding on the top and edges, my wrought iron coffee table has managed to bruise Annmarie twice today. I didn't add padding to the underside of the edges. I put some on tonight. She also loves the TV stand. I may have to tape the doors shut on it.
I spoke with Grandpa today. He says he will paint the nursery for us when he's here. It's going to be so nice to actually get her stuff up on the walls and have an actual bedroom. Even if it's only for a little while. You never know, I may totally score and get to stay here my next three years. Then she can have a stable few years.
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