
1 month old

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ringing in the New Year

So, last night was New Year's Eve. I really wanted to stay up and celebrate but knew better than to try. The girl, however was sure to wake me in time for it! I put her to bed at 7pm as normal. She then woke back up at 10pm -which wasn't bad. But when she woke up at 11:30pm, it was on. You see, earlier in the day Janyl and I went out to buy an air purifier. I was really hoping it would help with her allergies. I did my research and found out that I needed a hepa vice ionic one. And, then we went and found one for much less than advertised online.
Annmarie was still coughing when I put her to bed. I figured maybe it hadn't ran long enough. The longer I had it on the more she coughed. To make a long story short, she puked on me twice. I had her on the inhaler and it wasn't working. The only way I could get her to calm down was sit in the bathroom with her with the shower on full blast. She was finally able to fall asleep around 1am only to wake back up for another round at 4am.
The only thing I can figure is that air purifier made the air too dry in the room.
Today, I got all new allergy covers and raised her entire bed another 6 inches all around. I also went through and did the stairs. I also made a point to have her out in the warm fresh air today. And, steamed the bathroom up really well before her nightly bath. She has been on meds steady since last night. She is still coughing and very very snotty, but finally sleeping. Of course the allergy covers are scrunchie sounding so it's a little annoying for her. I am really frustrated because I just don't know what else to do.

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