
1 month old

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Dealership Excursion

 What a busy couple of days. I finally took the car in for it's 10k maintenance (at 11.7k). It was supposed to only take an  hour...three hours later we were finally out of there. She was pretty good -I was proud of her, but wasn't going to push my luck. While we were  there she ended up spitting up all over the both of us. That was of course what lead me to discover that all of the extra clothes I carry for her were too small. Luckily...things seem to work out eventually. When I was pulling the stroller out of the trunk, I found a bag of clothes that I bought for her and forgot about. Nice. So, I put them in the bottom of the stroller so I wouldn't forget them again. I am not really sure when I bought the clothing, but who cares. I am not looking a gift horse in the mouth. It was so beautiful out today. After we left the dealership I took the girl home to clean us up. Then we hit the mall for a nice walk and some shop therapy. I have to get used to not putting quite so many clothes on the baby. She was a little warm  today. Ok, she may have gotten heat rash today. To help ease it, I let her play in the tub extra long tonight. She also tried peaches today. I hope she is not allergic. I am watching her. Her new bed rails arrived. I figure that if she's rolling around and sharing the bed with me, I should probably get them. I am afraid of the baby sliding down the side of the bed and getting stuck between the bed and the wall. So, it was an excuse to go shopping again. I also picked up a really cool travel bottle cooler, a cool Pooh hoodie and more bibs. The drooling has been non-stop. Then we stopped by my favorite mom-n-pop restaurant on the way home. When I took the girl in to pick up the food, the cashier looked at her and started making baby noises. Ha. Annmarie went from happy and quiet to ballistic in 15 seconds. The first time I heard her really go ballistic was when I took her in for her shots. Since then, she has not been shy with the loud high pitched "eeeeeee" scream. She doesn't do it very often -mostly when she is too tired -but man. The slaving grace is that she is easily soothed -most of the time.
Oh, and we have books en route to the Grandparents and Uncle Matt!
As normal, in order to get one thing done, I had to let 3 others slide. So, tomorrow I am going to try and get caught up on house stuff. I have a really big certification I am working on at work, so I am pretty tired during the week. Its funny how everything changes. I used to do as much as I could on the weekend so I would have a smooth and easy work week. Now, I try to get as much done at work and during lunch as possible so I can have a manageable weekend.
Once she starts sleeping through the night, I am sure I will be able to make things more balanced. Until then, it's a neverending rat race so I can have time on the weekends to spend with the girl. It's been hit or miss. Some nights she is up every two hours, some nights she only gets up once -at 4am.

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