
1 month old

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sleepy Time...nice.

Such an awesome kid. She was so good yesterday. She made it through multiple Skype sessions, ate all her food, did her phonics...and then fell asleep in the tub. Hmm. Ok. So, I rinsed the shampoo out of her hair and gave up on the whole bath thing. She was out cold. She slept until midnight and then again until 5am. It's amazing how much better I feel when she doesn't wake up at 4am.
So, at 5am, we were able to get in another phonics session before mommy went to work. After work, I tried to do the same thing as last night -except make it through the bath. She loves the bath. I was able to keep her up for her nightly massage then feed her some more. Hopefully, she will make it until 2 or 3am. Baby steps.
So...during the evening reading lesson I was sitting in the rocking chair with Annmarie in her chair facing me. And...a spider. Yes, a spider came down from the ceiling. I saw it out of the corner of my eye. It was about 3 inches from my face -when I flipped the F out, snatched up the girl and went towards the bedroom. She thought it was hilarious. She played really well today.  It was a lot of fun watching her smile and try to play Patty Cake and Peek-a-Boo.  It's hard to believe she's almost 4 months old. She has more shots on the 28th! I made a point to schedule these ones for Thursday so I don't have to work all week afterwards. That was murder.
Yes, I put her in the swing and killed the spider. I really -truly do not understand what the deal is with all the wildlife inside my home lately.

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