We had a pretty good day! Today we video conferenced with Grandpa and Nana and Grandma and several aunts and uncles. It was nice. Baby doll had lots of smiles and coo's. She didn't laugh out loud as much as the night before, but I love having her happy and healthy. There were three different planes with issues today. No one died, but on the one airline four people pass out from mysterious fumes and went to the hospital. On another plane, a weld broke and a three foot gash appeared in the ceiling. The third plane hit a huge flock of birds and dented it's nosecone. So, it was forced to land too. That one was covered in blood -pretty nasty looking. So, I am a little on edge about flying with the girl. But, flying is a fact of life for us. I am still trying to figure out how I am going to manage the whole "breast feeding while flying" thing. Can't pump in the bathroom and baby won't eat from the breast.

To the right is her party dress. Man, she was so cute! She didn't behave very well tonight. She decided she was ready to go home and threw the massive-ist fit. Ouch. So, we packed up and came home. With the ride home and a lot of work, we were able to calm her down. After that it was bath and then bed. She does love her bath. The picture below is Aunt Lori and Annmarie in PJ's all calmed down. She is funny because she wants to hold the bottle, but doesn't realize that when she turns her head, she MUST move the bottle too.
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