Wanted: A full night's sleep. Rumored to be found with the Easter bunny and/or other mythical creatures. Customer will pay top dollar. Item needed to cure chronic Zombie-ism. Must come with owners manual and instructions on what to do with it. Will forgo warranty if owner agrees to not accept returns.
The past couple of days the girl has been waking up around 10pm and again at 4am. This wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to get up for work at 5am. She usually goes to bed between 7:30 and 8:00. So, basically I can't fall asleep until after she goes back to sleep. And there is no sleeping between 4 and 5am. Usually, I slowly get more exhausted until Friday and then I sleep all day long Saturday and get recharged. Unfortunately, there was a headache night. Now, I am so exhausted that I literally dropped the toothpaste off of my toothbrush onto my foot this morning -and then almost locked myself and the baby out of the house at 6am. Thank God for coffee -and a time consuming practice of back up planning.
So, baby girl eats vegetables for lunch and cereal with fruit for dinner. It seems after she tried the squash, she refused to eat plain cereal. She realized that it taste bad. So, I was forced to introduce bananas. I have to be careful not to call them "nanas". I don't want to confuse her. :-) I tried again to get video of her rolling over. Little stinker -enough said.
I tried really hard not to laugh today when Tara told me how Annmarie had a lot of really smelly gas all day. I knew it was because I had spicy sausage, beans and rice for dinner last night!
Hopefully Uncle Matt will have his new laptop online tomorrow so we can Skype. ***If we get home early enough*** No promises, but we are trying. If tomorrow doesn't work out...Friday definitely.
OK Grandparents and all others, what is better...Friday, Saturday or Sunday?
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