
1 month old

Thursday, April 21, 2011

No More Tear's My A...Butt

Oh today was challenging! I woke up in the middle of the night extremely sore from yesterday's work out session. And the girl was up at 3am -which was great because that was the only time she woke up! I was a little behind at work today because of yesterday's PIE (Partnership in Education) tutoring session I had with the kindergarten class at Cabrillo Elementary School. So, I ended up working through lunch to try and get out on time. That didn't work. I was still late and this jacked up the girl's schedule just enough to make for a long day. I think she cried more tonight then in the entire past week. Lori was supposed to come up and maybe do dinner. It's probably a good thing that she had to cancel. Annmarie was too tired and refused to nap. So, onto the treadmill with my sore body. As long as she wasn't going to nap, I was going to try to keep her near her schedule. She had applesauce for the first time tonight. You could tell she really liked it because she stopped crying long enough to devour it. I like it because the color isn't likely to stain as much as the other food she's been eating. I think in a few days, I am going to try sweet potatoes.
Bath was quick. She stayed awake, but only because I accidentally let the baby shampoo get into her eyes. I knew the slogan 'No More Tears' was crap from when I worked with the Army on my IA. We used it to flush OC (pepper) spray from eyes when on mission. I couldn't tell which burning was from the OC spray and which was from baby shampoo. So, baby's bath was abruptly halted. She screamed for another half hour after that. She finally fell asleep...but only for 15 minutes. Then we started again. Now she's asleep again and I am afraid to breathe loudly. So, no pictures today. Sorry.

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