
1 month old

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Annmarie's First Tooth

Yes, that is a tooth. Yes she was screaming when we took the picture. But, rest assured, she was in no pain.
I almost skipped Mommy n Me class today and am very glad I didn't. She always learns so much there. She is so close to walking. I will admit her progress slowed down due to poor attendance in class. She doesn't learn anything at daycare because she's the oldest in her class. After we return from out trip to Florida, she will move up into the pre-toddler class. She will be the youngest there, but she will start learning again.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fly, Fly, Fly Up High...Way Up In the Sky

The title is a line from a song we sing in Mommy-n-Me.  Annmarie loves to play 'airplane'. In class we only put the babies on our girl gets to go all the way up in the air. And, she loves it! We go the whole way up so she can look in the mirror. Then she will kick her feet and as she looks in the mirror. She's so proud she can make it the whole way up there. She's getting so tall that when I stand her on my lap, she can see the bottom edge of the mirror -which is no fun. We had a really good day today. I am debating on getting Annmarie a professional haircut. She probably just needs her bangs cut again, but I kinda want a little more style to it. I just don't know what/if anything to do with it.
I keep trying to get Aunt Janyl to call the nice boy she met, but she's scared. I am going to teach her to be more daring in that department. This is the first time I have ever known her to be shy about something!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Another Trip to the Doctors

Such a hectic day. Aunt Janyl and I started out with a plan and then the stupid day care made us change the entire day up. So, I got a call that the girl had diarrhea and I needed to pick her up. They said that since she already had a bowel movement before her loose stool, I had to have a doctor's note prior to bringing her back to them. So, Janyl picked her up, we ran her to the doctor's at lunch for them to tell me she is swallowing snot and it was coming out the other side. So, we took her back to day care and gave them the doctor's note. They politely took her back. As once again, there was nothing wrong with her -other than the same freakin runny nose she's had since I started her at day care. Now, the runny nose has moved to her chest and she is developing a strong dislike for Vic's Vapor Rub. Tonight, I put it on her clothes to avoid putting it on her skin and making her mad. Lori gets back from Vegas tomorrow. It's good because the cats miss her and won't leave Annmarie alone. She is very loving with that we taught her to 'pet nice'.

The other good thing that came out of today: I was finally able to get her a flu shot and a refill on her vitamins.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Yay! A Tooth

Yesterday we finally popped through her front bottom tooth. Hopefully, this won't be like the eye tooth that recessed after a week. After that ordeal, I hesitate to even call this a tooth. However, it is through. And another positive note: we are past the incubation period for chicken I am relaxing on chicken pox watch, but she still has a crazy rash that keeps going away and coming back. I am really not sure what is doing it to her.

Annmarie is doing really well getting used to Aunt Janyl, Gram Sonia and Pops. She really likes Pops. I really can't believe how old she's gotten. I am taking off work tomorrow for Vet's Day. I need it. So does she. Teething has been difficult...that and the day care changed her formula without telling me. It's really hard to tell if it was teething or the change in diet. Over the next week we have to get ready for Lori to do her 'pack out' and move the rest of my stuff from Mission Valley. It's going to be a very interesting few weeks. We will miss Aunt Lori.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Full House

Grammy Sonia and Pops are here and getting settled. Of course, Annmarie gave them an awesome welcoming. Yes, she screamed every two hours until 6am. Then she was content to lay on my chest. Last night was interesting, but not nearly as bad as Friday night. She still doesn't have any teeth. But the bumps on her bottom gum are still there. Last time she acted like this, the teeth recessed and the bumps went away. So frustrating. She had everyone in the house up all night.

Her heat rash has faded. With that said, she has a blister in her diaper area and two red marks on her back. It seems like as long as I can keep the Tylenol in her she is comfortable. But, you let mommy try to stretch it to four and a half hours. Not nice. It hasn't affected her appetite. She still eats all the time, huge amounts of food. This morning for breakfast she had a bowl of peaches with cereal and 3/4 of a banana. She followed that up two hours later with a cup of yogurt...then lunch as raviolis, carrots and mashed potato balls. That's not to mention 3 full sippy cups, some Cheerios and some mum mums to snack on. It's four right now and she is napping, however, I know she will be hostage hungry when she gets up. I don't know what she does with it all. Never mind, I know...I change the diapers. Holy Hell.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Yay...Gramma-in-Law Sonia gets here tomorrow

Sorry for not keeping up on the pics. Baby girl has been giving me a run for the money. She still has her's not getting any better but it's not getting any I will take it. Last night she screamed off and on from 7pm to 1am. Then I had to wake her at 5:30 am to take her to the daycare. Which means she slept WAY too much at day care. She was in a pretty good mood when I picked her up and we played for a few hours when we got home. Her schedule was so off track that we had to put her to bed early tonight.
Lori's parents get in tomorrow. They love Annmarie so much! She's going to have more people to play with! I am really surprised how much Lori's dad likes Annmarie too! He got her the electric tiger that she loves. She has Skyped with both of them several times over the months. He's so funny the way he makes baby sounds to her.