
1 month old

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Another Trip to the Doctors

Such a hectic day. Aunt Janyl and I started out with a plan and then the stupid day care made us change the entire day up. So, I got a call that the girl had diarrhea and I needed to pick her up. They said that since she already had a bowel movement before her loose stool, I had to have a doctor's note prior to bringing her back to them. So, Janyl picked her up, we ran her to the doctor's at lunch for them to tell me she is swallowing snot and it was coming out the other side. So, we took her back to day care and gave them the doctor's note. They politely took her back. As once again, there was nothing wrong with her -other than the same freakin runny nose she's had since I started her at day care. Now, the runny nose has moved to her chest and she is developing a strong dislike for Vic's Vapor Rub. Tonight, I put it on her clothes to avoid putting it on her skin and making her mad. Lori gets back from Vegas tomorrow. It's good because the cats miss her and won't leave Annmarie alone. She is very loving with that we taught her to 'pet nice'.

The other good thing that came out of today: I was finally able to get her a flu shot and a refill on her vitamins.

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