
1 month old

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Flu...On My 13 Month Birthday...That Can't Be Good

After my trip to the zoo, I came home and had my nap and made mommy some ewww eees for when I woke up. Little did I know that wasn't the only thing I was leaving mommy! I made her ewww eees three more times in the next few hours...then my tummy was really upset. I didn't feel like eating a whole lot of dinner. I didn't even want to take a long bath. Then, half an hour after I went to was on. Most of the time when I throw things, I have horrible aim. Not when I am tossing cookies though. I got everything from my pillow to my sheets and poor bunny. Mommy was right there to roll me over so I didn't choke on it. She cleaned me all up and laid me on her bed while she changed my bedding and got me a new pillow. I didn't cry at all, I just laid there watching my mommy -the pro. My mommy tried to put me back into the fresh bed, but I decided I wasn't done tossing my cookies, so I did it all over again. So, did mom. Then mom sat with me in the rocking chair for a while. And, I decided to make some pea soup. Mommy made it with me to the bathroom sink. Poor sink. Mommy changed my PJ's (and her own) again. Did I mention I made her some more ewww eees? I was good though, I didn't cry much at all. Then my mom decided she wanted to play catch to. I sat with my head against the wall while my mom used the bathroom. Then my mom broke out the "not-so-yummy tummy" bowl. I didn't want to drink any water so my mom fed me pedialite from a medicine dropper. One dropper full every 15 minutes just like the RN on the ped helpline said. I stopped playing catch and finally fell asleep around 3am-ish. I still woke up at 5:30 ready to be awake. My mommy tried to feed me a pop tart, some banana pieces and water. I did eat a few bites. About two hours later mommy tired to give me some Cheerios and peaches...I gave them back -promptly.  Mommy kept making me drink water and pedialite. I must've worked because around 3pm I was able to keep down some rice and yogurt. Mommy is still moving pretty slow, but she is happy that I was able to eat some dinner. She's not happy with how much my ears are draining, but that's another fight. I really hope I get some good sleep tonight. If not, mommy is taking me back to the doctors in the morning. I hate going there -they keep giving me shots.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Almost 13 Months!

I am proud to announce that Annmarie has slept through the night the past two nights! Yay! Yay! Please let this be a new trend. Annmarie is now confidently drinking from a cup! The only thing is she forgets where her arms are and knocks the cup over. She also hasn't put it together that if you tip the cup as you are putting it down, it will spill. Time to pack up most of the sippy cups! I am going to save one or two for car rides and such. She is at about where she was on Thanksgiving with her walking. I am not sure why she back slid so much, but we are finally progressing again.
Thinking of back slides, a couple of days ago in daycare she took a nice little tumble...hence no recent pictures. She has a skid mark all over the front of her nose, to the right of her eye, the center of her forehead, the right side of her forehead, a little one on her chin, a little one on the top of her head, and (finally) one on her right knee. She looks like she got mugged.
Teeth, she's getting two in at once. Either her front teeth are going to be gapped or she is getting one front tooth and one of the secondary teeth. You can see them plain as day under the skin, but they haven't erupted yet. The front tooth is crooked...but the bottom teeth look like they are straightening out.
Today we took a trip to the zoo. I got there right at 9am so we could spend a couple of hours before lunch and nap time. Priority one is keeping to her schedule. We had some really good quality Mommy and daughter time. Of course it meant skipping getting groceries, but we will save that for our next outing. Annmarie LOVED the giraffes and hippos -and it helped reinforce the words on her phonics.

Monday, January 16, 2012

No More Bottles!

Yesterday Mommy packed up my bottles and bottle warmer. I was ready. I haven't used any in three days and before that I was only using them in the middle of the night. Now the challenge is getting from a sippy cup over to a real cup. I practice every day. I love dumping them out and putting my food into them!
The doctor moved me over to a new medicine. My mommy doesn't think it's working so well. But, I have such a miserable cold that Mommy can't tell what's cold and what's allergies. I am slowly making progress towards sleeping through the night. Now when I wake up, if Mommy rubs my back, I will sometimes fall back to sleep.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Orders Update!

I finally received the official message stating I am good to go for the Equal Opportunity Advisor job applications. This is awesome news for Annmarie and I. It means we will go to Cocoa Beach, FL for 10 weeks for school. Upon completion, I will go to my next duty station. Guam is now out of the picture. Someone else took that job. It looks like I may go to a place about an hour outside of Tahoe named Fallon, NV. He talked about an opening in DC, but I don't think that one will be open long enough for me to bid. I can't put my bid in until I actually finish my screening and interview process. Naples is still in play, but I can't travel all over Europe with Annmarie -by myself. Lemme tell you, if I were alone, I would sell my soul for that job. Bahrain is open, but it's only a 1 year job and I think some Master Chief has his eye on it.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Weekend Catch Up

For being a four day work week, my Mommy was pretty busy! She took me to the doctors again and raised quite the stink. Now I am on ephedrine and an inhaler. The doctor did all kinds of silly tests on me only to determine that I do not have any kind of virus. My first day on the medicine went pretty well. My mommy was waiting to see if the trend continued. Alas, I still won't sleep through the night. But, I have not puked or had diarrhea since being put on the medicines. My mommy is starting to feel the pain of no sleep. She did things like accidentally try to drink from my bottle instead of her cup. She also tried to use rubbing alcohol as mouth wash. Luckily she realized that she grabbed the wrong bottle just prior to putting it into her mouth. Nice. I have a follow up appointment on Wednesday and my mommy is going to make them tweak the medicines until the doctor gets it right. After the first night, the next two nights were the start of a downhill slide. I was pretty snotty again tonight, but I hope I am able to get a good night's sleep. My mommy needs it.
I also started my new class this week. Every day they kept me in the new class a few more hours. Today was my first full day in the new class. I impressed the teachers with my physical skills. They can't believe how fast I move from one place to another -or how well I climb, for that matter. They also have a set nap schedule. I am not allowed to go to sleep until 11:30, but then they wake me if I sleep past 2pm. Today I only slept two hours during the day. Mommy is thinking of pulling me out of Mommy n Me classes so she can keep me on a steady schedule during the weekends. I am pretty sure it will depend on if she can get me to sleep through the night.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Getting Ready to Get Back on Schedule

After another night of no sleep, I tackled the day (with Janyl's help). Today I went thru and feild dayed (milly term for clean from head to toe) the both Annmarie's room and my own. I also discovered the vacuum had a broken belt and repaired it. Which means all the cleaning and dusting I did yesterday was for not -as the filter in the vacuum was also blocked and dislodged. I had Janyl take the girl to the park so I could get in both bedrooms and rip it all apart and make sure every square inch was dust free and clean. I also finished unpacking and organized stuff that has been out of place for weeks. Of course, everything took longer with the half hour repairs on the vacuum and a trip to Walmart for a new belt. After I finished everything I ran the air purifier to get the dust that I stirred up. 
And still, within half an hour of being back in the house, Annmarie started having another attack. Even now, she is weezing and snotting everywhere -in her sleep. She has Vapor Rub on her chest and the humidifier on -sleeping in a bed with allergy covers and freshly washed (in hot water) linens. Oh, and a vapor plug in turned on full power and a dose of allergy medication. Tomorrow is her first day back to Day Care. Hopefully the day out of the house will help to clear her up a little.
Tuesday we are back in the pediatrician's office. I swear if she feeds me one more line of crap about day care kids being sicker than other kids, I am firing her and going to a different one.  I have finally had enough and have done absolutely EVERYTHING I can think of to make my baby better.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ringing in the New Year

So, last night was New Year's Eve. I really wanted to stay up and celebrate but knew better than to try. The girl, however was sure to wake me in time for it! I put her to bed at 7pm as normal. She then woke back up at 10pm -which wasn't bad. But when she woke up at 11:30pm, it was on. You see, earlier in the day Janyl and I went out to buy an air purifier. I was really hoping it would help with her allergies. I did my research and found out that I needed a hepa vice ionic one. And, then we went and found one for much less than advertised online.
Annmarie was still coughing when I put her to bed. I figured maybe it hadn't ran long enough. The longer I had it on the more she coughed. To make a long story short, she puked on me twice. I had her on the inhaler and it wasn't working. The only way I could get her to calm down was sit in the bathroom with her with the shower on full blast. She was finally able to fall asleep around 1am only to wake back up for another round at 4am.
The only thing I can figure is that air purifier made the air too dry in the room.
Today, I got all new allergy covers and raised her entire bed another 6 inches all around. I also went through and did the stairs. I also made a point to have her out in the warm fresh air today. And, steamed the bathroom up really well before her nightly bath. She has been on meds steady since last night. She is still coughing and very very snotty, but finally sleeping. Of course the allergy covers are scrunchie sounding so it's a little annoying for her. I am really frustrated because I just don't know what else to do.