
1 month old

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Thank You Aunt Lisa

Today we received a package for Annmarie's
first birthday! This is one of the outfits that was in it. Yes, it is a little too big for her, but something tells me she will fit it perfectly in a couple of weeks. Yesterday we started some steroids the doctor gave her. Man, they speed her up even faster than she already is. I didn't realize how fast they would make her move and gave it to her before bed. Hmmm. She was up at 2am sticking her fingers up my nose and trying to open my eyes. She was so happy and excited. She stayed up until I put her in the car to go to day care. Poor day care.
I got on them yesterday after they let her sleep for almost 4 hours in the middle of the day. OI told them not more than an hour and a half. Typically, she sleeps an hour before lunch and an hour after lunch. Those silly fools let her sleep all morning and then when I picked her up said, "she is ready for her afternoon nap". So, she was up all morning and then they let her sleep 90 the minute -twice.  Thank god. So, hopefully tonight she will sleep all night.

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