
1 month old

Monday, June 27, 2011

Bath Success

Just call me angel in the morning baby.
Just touch my cheek before you leave me.
I always try to respect the girl as a human being because she is a person -not just a baby. I know that sounds silly, but people forget that babies are people too. She has feelings and preferences. Yesterday, we tried to bath. As soon as she started to cry, I respected her feelings and took her out of the tub. Today, she let me bathe her and did not cry or fight at all.  Success -and clean  hair! Of course, then I had to push my luck and try to fit in a bedtime story. Silly mommy knows it isn't a part of the evening routine, but since we moved, story time kinda went by the wayside. It reinforces the phonics, so I need to work it back in.
Today was nice, we texted with Nana, blew bubbles on the porch, cooked dinner and then had a pretty good bath routine. On top of all that, we finally made some progress. I was able to unpack two more boxes and half a garbage bag of shoes. Of course, I didn't get dishes done, but it's a fair trade off for getting to spend time with the girl.
Payton Adam Micheal Lawson

Payton is up to eating 9 cc's at a feeding. I can't remember Annmarie ever eating such a small amount. He is gaining weight and still progressing. So far, (knock on wood) no major ailments.

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